Autumn Closedown

Autumn Closedown

Saturday 26 October 2024
10:00 - 14:00
Philip Ient
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After another summer of thrilling cricket, it is time to pack the toys away and prepare the 'Wood for winter.

We are getting really good at this, but as ever we need volunteers to help.

We need to prepare the pavilion and provide brain and brawn to pack the all the outside furniture and equipment into the garage - a sort of 3D equipment jigsaw.

Refreshments will be provided - breakfast from 9.30am and a light lunch around noon.

Our last act of the season - if you've not been down to this before do come along - it's a great way to meet up with members before the winter hibernation begins.

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2 members attending
Philip Ient
Philip Ient
Charlotte Tunstall
Charlotte Tunstall